
Here are some important steps for you to set up your account and get started.

  • Log in - Log in to the Console with your credentials.
If you don’t have an account and would like to get access, request for it here.
  • Update your webhook - Update your live webhook URL so you can receive and process event updates in real time.
  • Copy your widget link - Copy your link from the Console and share it with users to connect dummy accounts in sandbox mode or real accounts in development mode.
  • Access your API Keys - You will need your keys to make requests to fetch data on the accounts that you have connected in any environment.
  • Make your first request - Make your first request in the sandbox mode and then move to the development environment to fetch real data and complete your integration.
  • Request to go live - When you are done integrating and testing, head to the Environments tab and request to go live.